Nora Hapca, Baia Mare - Romania, participated in the EERC summer program while in 7th grade.  Article published in the newspaper "Graiul Maramuresului", Aug 12, 1998:

English   Romanian

” I am happy to share with you my impressions from my trip to the “Land of Wonders.”  As written in the article entitled “The Future Belongs to the Children,” I am one of six lucky children to win scholarships offered by the Romanian Cultural Foundation, Bucharest, to spend one month in the USA.  I attended a summer program offered by the College Academy in Boston. 

The program was perfectly thought through on both ends.  We lived for one month like a typical American child who lives in Boston.  You may not believe it, but after just a few days of being there, all my new activities and all that was happening around me felt natural to me.  In school, just like back home, I adapted well and the host family treated me like their own daughter.  But many things are very different from home.  The school that I attended is private, paid by the students' parents.  What pleasantly surprised me is that all the students there knew how to play an instrument.  And it's not because they attended a music school, but because they were concerned with music and the arts in general.  I visited many beautiful places and I met wonderful people who appreciated us and helped us”.

“Sint bucuroasa sa va impartasesc citeva din impresiile calatoriei mele in “ Tara Minunilor”. Asa cum ati relatat in articolul “ Viitorul apartine copiilor” ma numar printe cei sase copii fericiti, cistigatori ai bursei oferite de Fundatia Culturala Romana Bucuresti pentru o luna de zile in SUA. Am frecventat cursurile scolii de vara “ College Academy” Boston. Programul a fost gindit si realizat exceptional pe doua directii (…), astfel incit noi am trait pentru o luna de zile ca un copil American care locuieste la Boston. Poate nu va vine sa credeti dar mie personal dupa citeva zile mi s-a parut ca toate actiunile la care iau parte si tot ceea ce se petrece in jurul meu e firesc si normal. La scoala, acolo ca si aici m-am descurcat foarte bine iar familia care m-a gazduit m-a considerat inca din prima zi, sora fiicei lor. Lucrurile stau insa cu totul altfel decit la noi in multe privinte. Vreau sa va spun ca scoala la care am mers este private, platita de parintii copiilor. Ceea ce m-a surprins in mod placut este faptul ca toti copii stiau sa cinte un instrument. Asta nu pentru ca frecventau o scoala special de muzica ci pentru ca erau preocupati de muzica si cultura in general. Am vizitat locuri frumoase si am cunoscut oameni minunati dispusi sa ne aprecieze si sa ne ajute”.