All of the students were thrilled with their camp experiences at College Academy and the Middlesex School Summer Arts Program.  They took courses in digital photography, mixed media, theatre, website -- which stretched their minds in ways they could little have imagined when they boarded the plane for Boston in June.  

They marveled at the cultural differences they discovered, and delighted in the similarities.  The EERC community was more than generous in offering them a banquet of new experiences, among them:  the
Museum of Science;  the Tall Ships, including seeing the Romanian barque Mircea; and a weekend at Cape Cod where they met and mingled with American teens. 

There was also much to learn from "everyday" experiences such as trips to the local recycling center, an animal shelter and urban redevelopment areas like Boston Harbor -- all of these led to great conversations about, for example, environmental stewardship, community service, civic responsibility. 

Above all, the warmth with which they were met made a deep impression about the value of doing something selfless for others, even those you do not know.   And at the same time, the students left behind an enduring and positive image of modern
Romania's vibrancy and dynamism.  

The students and their families asked us to extend their deepest thanks to the EERC community for offering them this unforgettable, summer. 
We, too, would like to thank all who made the 2009 program possible, including those who financially supported us and those who gave of their time and talents.  And especially, our thanks to the families who opened their homes and hearts to these remarkable young people: Ciurea, Floru, Maxwell, Rosca, DeSantis,Tibbetts/ Elbers, Loghin.

In September we begin working for next summer's program.  Much to be done!  If you would like to find out how you can become involved, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..